Behind the Scenes: Installation 4
Meet Lalia, she's our hotshot Sales and Farmers Market Manager. She initially came to Bow Hill in November of 2018. Lalia is a hard-worker and doesn't skimp on anything. Detail-oriented, an idea-machine, and is friendly to everyone. It's amazing to see.
Each week she goes to multiple farmers markets and in the winter, is our booth gal at the major pop-ups. If you frequent any of those markets, you'll likely have seen her. What goes on behind the scenes before markets? Well, we're here to tell you.
She gathers the cases of products for each destination and organizes products and stands by market. The next morning, she arrives at the farm before light, loads the van with the stand (as pictured) and cases upon cases of products — it's kind of like Tetris. If there are other markets that day, she leaves detailed notes for the market worker. She gets to the market and unloads the whole van before you all arrive. Then she does it all again, in reverse (and if it was a good market day, it's a much lighter load). Usually leaving the farm for home in the dark (well, at least this time of year).
On top of all that work, she's always answering emails, working with co-workers to coordinate projects, and making regional deliveries. She is great. We'd be lost without her hard work and dedication.
Some non-Bow Hill related trivia about Lalia: She's been a performing dancer at a Seahawks half-time show, she has nine (!!!!!!!!!) siblings, and is currently coaching a junior Olympics gymnastics team.