Need a New Podcast?
Podcasts are a great way to stay alert during your commute and we know of a great one. It's called Farmer to Farmer and we think it's one of the best out there.
For years, the late Chris Blanchard interviewed farmers of all sorts on different topics. We were lucky enough that he reached out to us. His goal for the podcast was, as the name implies, for farmers to learn from one another. What also came to be were great stories of the farmers' lives. No matter anyone's knowledge of farming and techniques, the podcast is very conversational, entertaining, and easy to listen to.
In our interview, Chris asked us all about organic berry production, adding value to our products, and we spent a lot of time discussing our reasoning behind what, why, and how we do most everything. One of the highlights from this episode, was when we got into fair pay, working conditions, and rights for our blueberry field crew. If you're interested in hearing just about the field crew, tune in around minute 25:30.
There are 176 episodes. Above you'll find links to the podcast page itself, and of course, to the story on us. Happy listening!