Midsummer Update
Two new (to us) shipping containers were delivered over the spring. They'll serve as our new freezer & fridge during harvest. We have plans for the new warehouse and farm store that will be assembled after harvest is over.
- Mink House Farm Store hours are Wednesday & Thursday 10AM-4PM and Friday through Sunday 10AM-6PM
- Silva Family Farm's delicious organic strawberries are coming soon to the farm store, we'll put it out on the 'gram when they arrive 🍓
- We've enjoyed seeing your faces at the farmers markets the past couple of months! As a reminder, we're at the University District Market every Saturday 9AM-2PM and at Ballard every Sunday 9AM-2PM
- We're also signed up for some special summer shows: Renegade Craft Seattle on July 16th & July 17th and Seattle Urban Craft Uprising on August 7th. Check out our events page for more details
- We're excited to welcome the community back for U-Pick on the farm this summer for Bow Hill's Sapphire Jubilee! Right now, it's looking like weekends in August will be prime for blueberry picking, celebrating 75 year-old heirloom blueberry plants and peeping the progress of our native plant hedgerow.