Raw fowl on sheet tray getting sprinkled with blueberry powder and salt

Rub or Topping

Sprinkle some of our Organic Heirloom Blueberry Powder atop greens, proteins, or vegetables. Especially great on duck (pictured), turkey, ham, chicken, pork roast, tofu, brussels sprouts, carrots, kale, and spinach.

Our powder is low in sugar, but still keep an eye out for caramelization. Pairs well with our Organic Blueberry Marinade & Salad Dressing.

Products Featured in this Recipe

  • Organic Heirloom Blueberry Powder

    A deep purple, antioxidant-rich, high fiber and nutrient-dense powder made from a blend of pure Bluecrop, Rubel and Jersey skins. Users love it as an easy, nutritious boost to recipes...

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